Top Reasons Why Your Toilet Might Be Backed Up

16 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Lately, your toilet might not have been working like it's supposed to. It could be clogged or backed up, for example. You may have already decided that you need to hire a plumber as soon as you can to address the issue, but you might be at least a little bit curious about what might have caused the problem with your toilet in the first place. There are actually a lot of different things that can cause toilet backups and other issues. These are some of the top reasons why your toilet might be backed up.

There Might Be a Sewage or Septic Issue

First of all, it's possible that the problem that you are having is not really because of your toilet at all. A toilet can begin backing up if there is a major issue with your sewage or septic system. If a sewage line is damaged or even if your septic tank is overfilled, for example, you can expect your toilet to begin backing up. Typically, you can tell that this is the type of issue that you're dealing with if you're having problems with sewage backups all throughout the home. If multiple toilets in your home have been backing up — and if you have noticed problems like having sewage backups in your sinks and bathtubs, for example — then this is probably the cause of the problem. If you are only having an issue with one toilet in your home, however, chances are good that the issue is related to something else.

The Wrong Things Might Have Been Flushed Down the Toilet

One very common reason why people deal with toilet backups is that someone in their household has flushed something down the toilet that should not have been flushed. Paper towels, cotton swabs, and other objects — other than toilet paper — should not be flushed down the toilet. Some people even have issues with their children playing in the bathroom and dropping toys or other items in the toilet, which can cause a clog or backup. A plumber can check for items that might be present in the pipes and can get your toilet flowing again.

Your Toilet Might Not Be Powerful Enough

You may have purchased a low-flow toilet because you wanted to reduce the amount of water used in your home. However, if your toilet is not powerful enough, it will be more prone to clogs and backups. A plumber can help you determine if this is the case with your toilet, and if it is, they might advise you to replace your toilet. Luckily, they can help you with this.

If your toilet is backed up, call a plumbing company, such as Rob's Septic Tanks Inc, for assistance. 
